Johnny Cash Loans - How Payday Loans Work
- Complete the quick and easy 2-minute payday loan application and you may qualify for a cash advance up to $1,000.
- Approval takes only minutes, and you'll be allowed to view the lender's terms and policies prior to accepting the payday advance.
- If you accept the unsecured personal loan, the money is deposited directly into your checking account or savings account, and funds are usually available for withdrawal or use the next business day.
- When due, your loan plus fees* are automatically deducted from your same bank account. See notices regarding fees, late payments and sustained use below.
- Fees
*Loans are provided by one of our more than 65 lenders. Each lender has their own terms and conditions. If you qualify, you will be given an opportunity to review their terms which will be disclosed prior to your acceptance of the loan. Submitting the online payday loan application does NOT obligate you to accept the loan.
- Late Payments
Non-payment of credit could result in collection activities. Each lender has their own terms and conditions. Please review the lender's policies for further information.
- Sustained Use
Each lender may have their own renewal, pay-down, pay-off, or extension policies. Please review your lender's policies.